Reconstructive or secondary surgery

Through our treatments we are able to improve our patients’ well-being, increase their self-esteem and improve their social performance. But sometimes, as in any medical intervention, there may be complications or bad results, some due to chance, others to malpractice. In such cases, even the strongest of patients can fall apart, with a feeling of frustration and distrust caused by the undesired results. They lose confidence, fear surgical intervention and feel helpless.

Dr. Alfredo Fernández Blanco

Causes and treatment

"In order to resolve these problems, a great deal of experience in both the field of cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery is required. Showing dedication and comprehension to these patients who have lost confidence in our specialty is fundamental. Experience in this sector is difficult, since the

these complications are not common in daily work; therefore, the surgeon cannot acquire the necessary skill by intervening in their own cases, they must therefore accept other people's cases, to help them regain confidence, and make them feel that it really is possible to deal with their problem in a safe and professional manner." - Dr Alfredo Fernández Blanco.

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Secondary Rhinoplasty Surgery | Reconstruction Surgery

Bad results in rhinoplasties pose a real challenge for plastic surgeons. It consists of fixing and trying to make a badly done rhinoplasty look natural.

Rinoplastia caso 1
Rinoplastia en Marbella
Rinoplastia en Marbella

Breast prosthesis rupture

Reconstructive or secondary breast prosthesis surgery | secondary mammoplasty

All ruptures are currently intra-capsular, since cohesive prostheses are used, and there is no extracapsular silicone migration.

Symmastia / Uni-breast

Reconstructive or secondary surgery for uni-breast

Symmastia is the loss of the intermammary sulcus and it is caused by the medial displacement of the prosthesis.

Sinmastia en Madrid


Secondary mammoplasty surgery| reconstructive surgery

Bad results in previous mammoplasties can cause the patient anguish and anxiety, as well as physical and aesthetic problems, and can even result in necrosis.

Mamoplastia secundaria en Madrid
Mamoplastia secundaria
Las Palmas
Mamoplastia caso 9 Capsulectomia bilateral con cambio de prótesis

Capsular contracture

Secondary capsular contracture surgery | reconstructive surgery

It is the most frequent complication in the mammoplasty procedure. It is caused by abnormal scarring around the prosthesis. The prosthesis deforms, becomes hardened and even begins to hurt.


Reconstructive surgery or secondary liposuction

The main causes for secondary liposuction could be irregular results or defects caused by over-extraction.

Abdomen liposucción en Madrid
Abdomen Liposucción en Madrid
Liposucción de abdomen Marbella
Abdominoplastia caso 5 Dermolipectomía clásica


Secondary Abdominoplasty – Secondary or Reconstructive Abdominoplasty

It is possible for consequences to occur as a result of a previous abdominoplasty, or the first procedure may have had bad results.

Intimate surgery

Secondary or Reconstructive Intimate Surgery | Secondary Vaginal Labiaplasty

The unwanted result of a redundant labia minora reduction procedure, which looks inappropriate following the procedure.