Patient Testimonials

In this section we have created testimonial videos of our patients. So that they can tell you give you a firsthand account of their experience throughout the entire plastic surgery process, from their motivation, doubts, their search for a surgeon, fears, the consultation, the post-operative period.


Cambio de prótesis y abdominoplastia

Jacqueline de la Vega nos cuenta, con la amabilidad y sencillez que le caracterizan, porqué nos ha elegido y qué es lo que se va a hacer con nosotros.

Lifting facial

Nuestra estimada paciente, Rosa Barber, nos cuenta su experiencia con una operación de lifting facial. Al año y unos meses de haber sido operada.

Reconstrucción de mamas / Mamoplastia secundaria

Nuestra querida paciente Estefanía, comparte con vosotros su experiencia en reconstrucción de mamas y cómo llegó hasta nosotros.


Marie Louise tells us about her experience and the results of the facelift she had with us 3 years ago.

Secondary Mammoplasty

Marta Carriedo and Dr Fernández Blanco chat after Marta’s breast surgery.

Rhinoplasty and change of prosthesis

Natacha tells us about her experience undergoing a closed rhinoplasty procedure and a procedure to change her breast prosthesis in our clinic. Although she is young, she is a veteran here and I wanted to thank her once again for her trust and loyalty.

Closed primary rhinoplasty

Iris tells us about her motivation, the doubts she had, and how she decided to have a nose job.

Rhinoseptoplasty (with open rhinoplasty)

Raquel tells us about her experience with rhinoplasty surgery, to improve her breathing and the appearance of her nose.


Victoria Gómez tells us about her plastic surgery, the rhinoplasty procedure she underwent in April 2015.


Rosana shares her face lift experience.