
Double chin Liposuction

Double chin Liposuction

Double chin liposuction is a surgical intervention performed to eliminate the excess fat that accumulates from the chin to the neck. It is suitable for people with a very wide neck angle and who have an obese-looking neck.

To improve the results, this procedure is often combined with other surgical interventions such as a chin implant or a lifting procedure to combat the flaccidity of the neck skin.

What is a double chin liposuction?

The procedure involves the removal of the fat that accumulates from the chin to the neck, therefore improving its angle. The results are excellent, this procedure totally eliminates the double chin, restoring the neck’s beauty.

Who needs it?

Double chin liposuction is suitable for people with a very wide neck angle, who have an obese-looking neck. In order to improve the result, a chin implant is often necessary. Likewise, a facelift may be performed to combat the flaccidity of the neck skin.


It is performed under local anaesthesia with sedation, and if it is combined with other major interventions it can be performed under general anaesthesia.


The classic technique is used, ruling out the use of ultrasonic liposuction in this area due to the risk of retractions and burns.
Firstly, physiologic saline is infiltrated with a dilution of local anesthetic and adrenaline in order to avoid unnecessary bleeding. Once the anaesthetic has taken effect, the fat is removed by suctioning it through an ultrafine 2mm. cannula, vacuuming it with a syringe or a pump, regulating the pressure until all of the fat has been removed.

Duration of the intervention

Approximately 40 minutes.


A compression garment must be worn for a week to contain swelling and to help the skin adapt to its new contour.

It is not a painful operation and it usually only causes slight discomfort. There are hardly any bruised zones. Recovery is quick and it is possible to have a normal appearance after the first week.

What risks are involved?

As in any surgical intervention there is a risk of infection. It is also possible that blood will accumulate in the aspirated area, increasing bruising and compromising the result.

Contact us for a consultation