
Neck lift

Neck Lifts

A neck lift is an operation aimed at removing flaccid skin from the submandibular and upper region of the neck, as well as tightening up the deep tissues in this area.   It recreates the cervico-mandibular angle. Excess submentonian fat (double chin) can be removed at the same time.

This double chin together with flaccidity are well known sign of ageing.  It is easy to find relatively young people who look older because of excess skin and fat on their necks.  

Where patients who are having a neck lift because of substantial flaccidity also have a double chin  liposuction is recommended. Sometimes there is no fat and flaccidity is effectively resolved just with a neck lift.

What is a neck lift?

A neck lift is an operation aimed at removing flaccid skin from the submandibular and upper region of the neck, together with tightening up the deep tissues in this area.

 It recreates the cervico-mandibular angle. Excess submentonian fat (double chin) can be removed at the same time.

Who needs it?

This double chin together with flaccidity is a sign of ageing. It is easy to find relatively young people who look older than their biological age.

 Where patients who are having a neck lift because of substantial flaccidity also have a double chin  liposuction is recommended.

 Sometimes there is no fat and the flaccidity is effectively resolved just with a neck lift.


It can be performed with local anaesthesia supported by sedation. In certain cases, and upon request, general anaesthesia may be used.


Incisions are made behind the ears.  These can be extended into the scalp behind the ears, depending on how flaccid the skin on the neck is.   The submandibular skin is peeled back, allowing access to the muscle and aponeurotic system, which is also dissected and strengthened.

The excess skin is cut off.  The remaining skin must be stitched using delicate stitches that are not under tension to achieve imperceptible scars.

A neck lift may be required to reduce the banded appearance of the neck (turkey wattle neck) to either remove a portion of the platysma muscles or realign them.  Normally access to this area is made through a 3 centimetre incision below the chin.

Duration of the intervention

Approximately 1 hour and a half.


Recovery is not painful although patients may experience discomfort and tightness. The bandages are removed after 24 hours and are replaced by a compression garment (an elastic band) to accommodate the tissues in their new position and to contain swelling. This compression will be maintained for a week. There will be ecchymosis (bruising) which will disappear between the 7th and 10th day.

What risks are involved?

The risk of infection is a risk in all surgical procedures. There may also be an accumulation of blood under the detached skin (haematoma) which must be removed in order to prevent it from organising and forming fibrosis, hardness and retractions in the operated area. This accumulation of blood must not be confused with the bruised spots (ecchymosis) that appear after practically all surgical interventions.

Nervous alterations are infrequent but these may appear when the plane of dissection used is different to the desired one. This normally happens when the vision is altered by profuse bleeding.  

In smokers, part of the retroauricular skin may be lost due to microcirculatory alterations that can complicate the healing process.


Do not take aspirin or aspirin-derivatives during the week before the procedure. Taking vitamins A, C, and E prior to the procedure is recommended. Patients who smoke should try to reduce their tobacco consumption as much as possible in the month before the surgical procedure.

After the procedure, applying a cold press to the operated zone and the use of a compression garment will significantly reduce swelling.

Frequently asked questions about the neck lift procedure

Can the neckline be improved with a neck lift?

The skin of the neckline cannot be improved with a neck lift.

Contact us for a consultation